"Ileana doesn't direct the course of affairs; that's not our way. She believes in letting folk make their own errors. If that results in disaster, so be it" (Knopp 112)
Jena and her four sisters find a secret portal in their castle and find that it leads them do the Wildwood. Long ago, back when only Tati and Jena were alive, they found this other world and have been going there every full moon since. This world is a magical one, filled with dancing, dwarfs, faeries, witches and vampires. It is a huge risk traveling there every full moon, but the girls insist on it. Tati, the eldest sister, falls in lust with one of the Night People, a vampire. Jena shows great concern and asks the Ileana, the queen of faeries, when the Night People are leaving (the Night People are nomads).
Ileana's response is unusual; if someone you love is in great danger, you help to rescue them. But not her. Ileana wants everyone to understand that the chips will fall where they may and that no one should disrupt that process. Jena, being the outspoken-I'm-always-right kind of girl, keeps trying to convince Ileana of the danger Tati is in. But Ileana is also very stubborn and will only see her way.
El Fin
15 years ago